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Spring begins with the construction of a new Inukshuk and a prayer of thanks.

Val Braun

Spring for me doesn't start until I have a branch of blossoms from the May Day tree or a bunch of lilacs.


I celebrate spring by just being outside. it's not too cold, too wet (well, some days) and you can just be. Sit in the sun, listen to the birds (my favorite part) and just be.


spring begins for me when tax season is over. that is when i come out of my office and realize that winter is actually over. lol


So sweet to do this giveaway! I am so inspired by your blog, and your artwork, both of you! For me spring began today with weather warm enough to take my daughter and dog on a long walk without the coats!

Debbie McIntyre

Spring begins with removing the snow tires and taking the first spring walk today. Aaah....hello spring

sue szollar

spring is like a rebirth with everything fresh ang green. the smell is so sweet. i like to have a picnic outside after being confined to indoor dining all winter.


Spring begins for me as soon as I see a robin...even if he is walking around in the snow!

Kim B

When Spring arrives I enjoy taking my grandsons for walks outside. I also enjoy opening day for all their spring sports.

lisa c.

we celebrate spring with a walk along a nature trail & soaking up the sun; digging out the soccer balls, skipping ropes & bikes; sending a forsythia branch to school to bloom in the classroom.

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{Doc-u-ment} 31

  • nadia - back of book
    Using scraps and whatever was on hand, depending on the day, we made a book that was used to document the 31 days of July 2008. The object being to use our point and shoot camera's each day to show bits and pieces of our everyday life. This specific book is Nadia's documented month.